A dream turns into a goal when actions are taken to achieve it.
Successful ABC's of goal setting strengthen your self-trust as well as self-esteem.
You need a perspective with a positive mind.
The ABC’s of goal setting are simple if you can think
SMART: Be Specific with a Measurable goal that is Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound.
Goal-setting tips:
Start with what you want: "I want to be with my family for more hours this year."
Figure out the measurable proofs that will help you reach your goal:
"We will have fun activity and family meetings each week."
What you have to do to achieve your goal:
"Selected family member nominates family activity every week; all should be ready and able to get involved."
Goal setting typically starts with wishful thinking. You have to turn the thinking into a concrete action plan, and that's what makes it a goal!
Make your goal right.
In addition to being specific and achievable, a good goal ought to hit a certain sweet spot. Success and motivation tie back to goal setting.
"The first law of success is concentration-to blend all energies to one point and go directly to the exact point, looking neither right nor left." William Mathews.